Court-Ordered Programs
Everyone who comes to a drug and alcohol program does so because of some kind of a problem. Many participants make their first contact with us because of a “nudge from the judge”. Some are referred directly into treatment, others are sent to special Diversion services. These diversion programs all have a set number of sessions and are a mix of education and discussion. Unlike Second Chance treatment services, diversion classes are paid for by client fees. These are figured using a generous sliding scale.
- First Offender Driving Under the Influence
- Domestic Non-Violence Support (for the perpetrator)
- Anger Management
- Kids Deserve Better (Parenting)
- PC1000 Drug Diversion
These programs are by Court, Probation or Children’s Protective Service referral only.
For more information call (510) 792-4357 and ask to speak with the Registrar.